Monday, February 4, 2019

Online Course on Peace Park Development and Management

Are you interested in biodiversity conservation and environmental peacebuilding?
Many United Nations partners created the Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on Peace Park Development and Management. This three-week course will be offered in five languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic. The course runs 4 February through 22 February 2019
You can enjoy live presentations from leading professionals including Peace Parks Foundation experts, international consultants, professors, lawyers, and biodiversity decision makers.
As a participant, you no longer have to do extensive research on Peace Parks’ theory and practice. You do not need to spend weeks or months searching for the right books, reading blogs or going to any academic or practical seminars in a person about this topic. Very few people have time for long, tedious research. But when you have a blueprint to follow, the right analysis starts helping you right away. All you have to do is study this MOOC. A course team has done all reading, research and work for you. This course is unveiling the fundamentals by building on previous discoveries. This is a game-changer for you saving a significant amount of time and providing the unique insights. This is the first attempt to establish a well-rounded approach to online professional development on Peace Parks. This is a step-by-step process. Consider this course a time saver. And the best part of all: the course is free.
You are welcomed to attend! The course team is primarily looking for participants in Russian, French, Spanish, and Arabic versions of this course.