Monday, February 4, 2019

Aldo Leopold Fellowships

Land Ethic Leaders, do you know a recent college graduate or soon-to-be graduate who might be interested in spending a year in Leopold Country? 
Applications are being accepted for our 2019 fellowships. We will have 2 land stewardship fellows and 2 education fellows this year starting in June. Applications are due March 10.

For more information about the Land Stewardship Fellows, visit: 

The Land Stewardship Fellowship is a unique opportunity to challenge and enhance your natural resource background through the legacy of Aldo Leopold. Working side-by-side with experienced staff, fellows will assist with management activities on the 2,000 acre Leopold Memorial Reserve. Surrounding Aldo Leopold’s famous Shack, the Reserve has both restored and remnant native Wisconsin habitat ranging from prairies to floodplain forests to sedge meadows to oak savannas. This diverse outdoor classroom provides opportunities to learn firsthand about native plant communities, identify threats to native landscapes, and gain effective tools and strategies to efficiently manage a number of diverse ecosystems. As seasons change, management focuses on different activities including invasive species control, prescribed burning, monitoring, prairie planting, and more. Fellows will have the opportunity to interact with both a diverse range of conservation professionals and the Leopold family, who play active roles in guiding and executing the foundation’s mission.

For more information about the Education & Communications Fellows, visit: 

The Education & Communications Fellowship is a unique opportunity to build upon your education and communication background through the legacy of Aldo Leopold. Working side-by-side with experienced staff members, fellows will build a wide array of skills needed to contribute to, conduct, and manage education programs at non-profit conservation organizations through firsthand experience in visitor services, program planning, and program delivery. Fellows will also gain experience in mission-based communications to a variety of strategic audiences. Visitation and programming vary throughout the year, allowing for both periods of high visitor interaction and times of behind-the-scenes work in the office.  Fellows will have opportunities to interact with both a diverse range of conservation professionals and the Leopold family, who play active roles in guiding and executing the foundation’s mission.