About the PresentersEnvironmentally Friendly EngineeringLogan Gilbertsen, PE, CFM, Lead Engineer, Water Resources, HR Green, Inc. Logan has led a variety of projects ranging from stream bank stabilization and naturalization to the design of storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs) in urban and rural settings. He has worked to update and prepare the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water permits for municipalities and serves as the coordinator between the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) and municipalities. He has worked on many projects for IDOT, road districts and municipalities located in DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, Will, and Winnebago Counties. Logan earned a B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois.
Ravi Jayaraman, PE, ENV SP, Associate/Senior Project Manager, HR Green, Inc.
Ravi brings 29 years of project management experience from a variety of public and private sector utility infrastructure projects. These projects have included design and construction of water treatment and distribution systems; wastewater collection and treatment systems; sewer collection system improvements and sewer rehabilitation projects; and other municipal infrastructure projects. He has managed high-profile water projects for the Villages of Mundelein and Antioch and the Cities of Wood Dale and Marengo, among others. He has extensive experience working with contractors, elected officials and other community stakeholders involved with infrastructure construction projects. Ravi received his MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Oklahoma. He received an MS in Biological Sciences and a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Birla Institute of Tech and Services.
Sean LaDieu, PE, Senior Project Manager from HR Green, Inc.
Sean joined HR Green in 2011, bringing 21 years of transportation and environmental experience to the company. As a pre-qualified Environmental Lead with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), he has managed the environmental portions of multiple roadway and rail projects. As environmental lead, he oversaw the projects' environmental evaluation, including resources such as socio-economic, agricultural, air quality, biological, cultural, noise, special waste, vegetation, water quality, special lands, and wetlands. His involvement in the environmental aspects of the project included participation in the public involvement process, including being part of Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS). He also served as project manager for the IDOT Statewide Noise Contract from 2003 to 2011. Sean earned his B.S. in Civil Engineering from Purdue University.
Mysteries of Stormwater ManagementJedd Anderson, PWS, CPESC, CWS, DECI, Vice President Head of the Environmental Resources Department, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. Jedd has extensive Environmental Resources experience managing more than 8,000 environmental projects and obtaining more than 2,000 USACE Section 404 permits. He has over 30 years of practice in assisting in review of design, permitting and monitoring projects and their impact on wetland and natural areas. Responsibilities include the day-to-day coordination of 17 environmental professionals, coordination and completion of wetland and natural area assessments, delineations, design, permitting, maintenance and monitoring, as well as resolution of USACE/USEPA enforcement actions. In addition, performs mitigation design and development and technical tasks associated with civil and water resources engineering and geological analysis in Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. He coordinates with clients on implementation of and compliance with NPDES Regulations. Jedd is a veteran in the design and installation of sediment and erosion control; hydro-geomorphologic studies to assist in stream restoration and re-meandering; soil bioengineering techniques for streambank stabilization. He has expertise in NEPA, Endangered Species Act, and biological assessments for threatened and endangered species.
Jeana Gowin, PE, CFM, Water Resources Project Manager, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. Jeana has 18 years of experience in water resources project analysis and design. She has prepared numerous permit applications and received permits for both water resources projects from various agencies, including local, countywide, statewide, and federal. She has prepared several successful grant applications to assist in the funding of infrastructure for combined sewer separation, flood control, and green infrastructure projects. She is a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) and a Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQ). She is the current chair of the Environmental Resources Technical Institute of ASCE and was recently appointed to the ASCE board as a director for 2020-2022.
Darren Olson, PE, CFM, D.WRE, Assistant Department Head of the Water Resources Department, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. Darren has 22 years of experience in water resources engineering and is responsible for engineering studies and design that include complex roadway drainage projects, watershed studies, floodplain/floodway delineation studies and permitting, steady and unsteady urban hydraulic analyses, stormwater management studies and permitting, and flood control project feasibility, design, and funding. He is the Stormwater Consultant for several municipalities including Crystal Lake, Cary, Oak Brook, and Hawthorn Woods. Darren is recognized by ASCE as a Diplomate Water Resources Engineer (D.WRE) and holds many certifications including Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM), Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), and Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQ). He is actively involved in ASCE as a Region 3 Governor and recently appointed to the Committee on Americas Infrastructure. He is also a recipient of the 2014 IAFSM Stormwater Management Award.
P. Kay Whitlock, PE, F.ASCE, D.WRE, Vice President at Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. Ms. Whitlock is the Vice President of a full service civil engineering firm specializing in municipal, water resources, traffic, construction, environmental, and mechanical engineering with eight offices in Illinois and Indiana. Ms. Whitlock was the water resources lead for the Master Civil Engineer team for the O’Hare Modernization Program (OMP) from 2003-2019. She now handles drainage and permitting for the new terminal development. Ms. Whitlock is a proud Illini and holds a B.S. and M.A. from the University of Illinois and is a graduate of the Management Training Institute at the University of Mississippi. She is a Registered Professional Engineer in Illinois and a Diplomate Water Resources Engineer