Monday, September 16, 2024

Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge Internship


Summer Congressional Internship Program

 Summer Congressional Internship Program

The NIU Summer Congressional Internship Program is a transformative opportunity to intern for a member of the Illinois congressional delegation for summer 2025 in Washington, D.C. Students can expect to learn the workings of a congressional office, attend congressional hearings, work with constituents, and get a taste of living and working in the nation’s capital. NIU selects three students each year for this opportunity. Each student will receive a $7,000 stipend to help cover expenses. This opportunity is a great professional development opportunity to add to your resume and set yourself apart and is open to all majors and areas of study. 

To learn more or apply today, check out our website for more details or attend a virtual information session on: 
Tuesday, September 17th: 3-4pm 
Monday, October 14th: 3:30-4:30pm 

Applications close on October 25, 2024.

If you have any questions, please email Dr. Radasanu.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Intern of the Semester and Intern of the Year Scholarship Awards

 What are the Intern of the Semester and Intern of the Year Scholarship Awards? Through the scholarship awards, Career Services acknowledges outstanding NIU students who have completed career-related work experience. Throughout the scholarship award year, January to December 2024, seven students are selected as Intern of the Semester. At the completion of the scholarship year, three of these seven students will be selected as NIU Intern of the Year scholarship award recipients.

For further questions regarding the application process, please contact me at

Guess That Song: Queer Anthem Edition

The GSRC is cosponsoring an event with Prism next week called Name That Tune: Queer Anthem Edition on Thursday, September 19th from 4PM to 6PM at the Asian American Resource Center.  Attached you will find a flyer for this event!


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Food Systems Innovation Challenge

On November 16th, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Northern Illinois University, in collaboration with DePaul University and Illinois State University, will be hosting a 12-hour challenge event. Students 18 and older are invited to participate in this exciting opportunity. The overarching theme is sustainability, with a focus on the future of food networks, supply chains, and the challenges they face. We are inviting students from the Midwest region to form multidisciplinary teams of 4 to 6 members to tackle problem sets centered around food system challenges. This event emphasizes solution-based ideas; students from all disciplines will be encouraged to explore the topic, understand the challenge task, and leverage knowledge and expertise from university mentors and industry specialists before pitching their solutions to the judges.

  • As the event is organized by Northern Illinois University, our primary goal is to engage NIU students through every possible avenue to ensure broad participation. If you could provide additional contacts within the university, it would be greatly appreciated.
  • Last year was a tremendous success, with extraordinary project solutions presented and over $6,000 in prize money awarded. Please help us spread the word to faculty and students by sharing the attached Save the Date. For more information, visit our website, Food Systems Innovation Challenge. This event is free for all college students and includes meals, snacks, and a T-shirt!
  • For any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Student Wellness Programs

 Hello to all our friends of Student Wellness!

We hope the semester is off to a great start for everyone. In this month's newsletter you will find information about our programs and posters attached, information about Togetherall, and a helpful resource for you in preventing burnout.


Student Wellness Programs


Crafting Connections 

Mondays | 6:00-7:00 p.m. | Wellness lounge (HSC 250)

Crafting Connections is a new program this year and is a weekly space for students to come, participate in different crafts each week, interact with peers and make new friends.


Procrastination Cafe 

Tuesdays | 5:00-8:00 p.m. | HSC College Grind

Procrastination Cafe is a weekly space for students to come and do their assignments. Each student will set goals of projects or assignments they want to finish during their time at the cafe and if they meet their goals for the session they can earn prizes. 


Open Wellness Lounge

Wednesdays | 3:00-8:00 p.m. | Wellness Lounge (HSC 250) 

Each Wednesday, our Wellness Lounge will be open for students to come in to take a break and destress. 


Wellness Workshop Wednesdays 

Wednesdays | 7:00-8:00 p.m. | Microsoft Teams

The Wellness Workshop Wednesday series is another new program this semester. From September 18 through November 20, students can tune in to a webinar style workshop every Wednesday. Each week will focus on a different topic and wellbeing presentation, that may be presented by our team in Student Wellness or other campus partners and each session is named after a song. 


Chilling with Chase and Friends 

Select Wednesdays | 2:00-3:00 p.m. | HSC Oasis Pit

On select Wednesdays this semester, we will be hosting Chilling with Chase and he'll be bringing some of his other therapy dog friends with him! The dates Chase and his friends will be on campus are September 11, September 25, October 9, October 23, November 6 and November 20. 


Chase is also celebrating his 5th birthday on September 20, and you're all invited to the party! Come to the Center for Student Assistance between 12:30 and 2:00pm to celebrate.



 Togetherall is a free peer-to-peer round-the-clock support service that allows students to speak to other college students, via an online chat, about things with which they are struggling. This could include home sickness, relationship issues, identity issues, roommate or parent conflicts, loss of a loved one and a variety of others. Togetherall peer educators are diverse college students, who are supervised by licensed medical professionals, and are trained to talk through a wide range of issues. Students will need to use the ZID email address to verify they're NIU students to access the platform for free, and they can sign up at this website:


Faculty/Staff Wellness Tip

At the start of a new semester, we may not be thinking about being burnt out. However, starting to address signs of stress can prevent or lessen feeling burnt out later in the semester or year. Here are seven strategies to preventing burnout, click the link for more information on each. 

  1. Recognize and respond to signs of stress
  1. Set boundaries
  1. Develop a work-life balance
  1. Prioritize self-care
  1. Exercise the body and mind
  1. Regularly take breaks
  1. Maintain a support network


Not sure how to know if you're burned out? The W.H.O. characterizes burnout using three dimensions:

  • exhaustion, or feelings of depleted energy
  • feelings of negativism, cynicism, or mental distance from one’s job
  • decreased professional competence

Someone experiencing burnout may develop depressive symptoms. However, clinical depression and burnout are not the same things.

Thank you all so much for being friends of Student Wellness. If you have questions please let us know!

The Student Wellness Team

Research Series Workshops



This fall, in addition to one-on-one consultations to support student writers across NIU, the HASC Writing Center is offering a series of workshops and webinars. For September, the theme is research writing, including topics like


  • “Write a Literature Review” | 12 September 2024 from 4-5 p.m.
  • “Writing an Effective Abstract” | 23 September 2024 from 12-1 p.m.
  • “Plagiarism in a Digital and Global Age” | 25 September 2024 from 4-5 p.m.


Details, including registration, can be found on our events web page ( or in the NIU Events Calendar.


Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional writing support for your students, please let me know.


All best,




Ashley E. Bartelt

Program Director of the Writing Center

she / her / hers


Monday, September 9, 2024

Penn at Chicago Architecture + Design College Day on Saturday, September 21

 My name is Lauren Hoover and I’m the Associate Director of Admissions and Financial Aid at the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design.


We will be participating in the annual Chicago Architecture + Design College Day on Saturday, September 21, 9:00am-1:00pm CDT. We are hoping that you might pass this information on to any of your interested undergraduate students. They will have the opportunity to speak with me and a Weitzman alumnus about our graduate and professional degree programs in the following areas:




City & Regional Planning, offering six concentrations:

Housing, Community and Economic Development

Land Use-Environmental Planning

Public & Private Development

Smart Cities

Sustainable Transportation and Infrastructure Planning

Urban Design


Fine Arts


Historic Preservation, offering four concentrations:

Architectural Conservation

Preservation Design

Preservation Planning

Public History of the Built Environment


Landscape Architecture


Urban Spatial Analytics


I specifically wanted to highlight our Master of Landscape Architecture professional degree programs as we have found that students in your undergraduate major of study may have interest in this field.


The Chicago Architecture + Design College Day is a great way for your students who are considering graduate study to speak with many different graduate and professional schools all at once. If any of your students are interested in attending, further information about the event can be found here: