Monday, September 9, 2024

Penn at Chicago Architecture + Design College Day on Saturday, September 21

 My name is Lauren Hoover and I’m the Associate Director of Admissions and Financial Aid at the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design.


We will be participating in the annual Chicago Architecture + Design College Day on Saturday, September 21, 9:00am-1:00pm CDT. We are hoping that you might pass this information on to any of your interested undergraduate students. They will have the opportunity to speak with me and a Weitzman alumnus about our graduate and professional degree programs in the following areas:




City & Regional Planning, offering six concentrations:

Housing, Community and Economic Development

Land Use-Environmental Planning

Public & Private Development

Smart Cities

Sustainable Transportation and Infrastructure Planning

Urban Design


Fine Arts


Historic Preservation, offering four concentrations:

Architectural Conservation

Preservation Design

Preservation Planning

Public History of the Built Environment


Landscape Architecture


Urban Spatial Analytics


I specifically wanted to highlight our Master of Landscape Architecture professional degree programs as we have found that students in your undergraduate major of study may have interest in this field.


The Chicago Architecture + Design College Day is a great way for your students who are considering graduate study to speak with many different graduate and professional schools all at once. If any of your students are interested in attending, further information about the event can be found here: