Summer Job Opportunity
Natural Habitat Restructuring and Upkeep
and Vegetable Gardening
Dates of service: May through mid-August
Location: DeKalb
Type of area: Neighborhood corner lot
Student’s focus of study: Environmental Science
Education Level: Graduate or upper class
undergraduate student
Skill sets: Light-weight lifting; experience with manual and power garden tools ; native plant
recognition; experience in planting and maintaining outdoor plants
Expected hours per week: ~10, varying with the growing season, weather, etc.
Additional time may be required.
Pay: $16/hr.
Job type: private pay; agreement between property owner and individual; not associated
with NIU credit, internship, etc.
• Buckthorn and other invasives removal
• Preparing, planning, and planting a renovated natural habitat area
• Maintaining the natural habitat by weeding and pruning, as necessary
• Helping design and construct a new raised bed area
• Helping to maintain raised vegetable beds
• Additional work may include helping with the 1200 sq. ft. of garden at Dresser Rd.
Current landscape: a mix of natural habitat, a "lawn" of scrub grass and Creeping Charlie, a
natural black raspberry patch, an asparagus patch, several raised vegetable beds on one
side of the property and plans for another mini-garden on another side; three apple trees,
two pear trees, one peach tree, and one plum tree. A mix of over a dozen varieties of mature
deciduous and evergreen trees are also dispersed across the property, resulting in an
uneven mix of shade, partial shade, and nearly full sun.
Apply with Clare Kron at