Thursday, March 6, 2025

Congressional Internships Summer 2025 - Illinois District 6

 We are reaching out on behalf of Congressman Sean Casten’s office to let you know about internship opportunities to pass along to your students for both our Washington, D.C. and Lombard offices this summer. As an office representing the 6th congressional district of Illinois, we are excited about the opportunity to recruit students from Illinois colleges and universities for this program. 


Applications for our summer internship program will be open from March 3rd through April 1st, 2025. The form to apply can be accessed here.


Legislative interns in the Washington, D.C. office will assist with day-to-day operations of the office, including answering calls from constituents, attending committee hearings and briefings, working on projects with legislative and communications staff, scheduling and leading tours of the U.S. Capitol, and assisting with constituent correspondence for our Mail Program. Interns will have the opportunity to gain insight into the legislative process, network with staff, and learn about the inner workings of a congressional office. The Washington, D.C. office is seeking interns with a strong attention to detail and a readiness to learn, who are able to work a full-time in-person schedule, Monday-Friday 9 am to 5 pm.  

District office interns in the Lombard, IL office will assist with office operations, including answering calls from constituents, assisting caseworkers in helping constituents navigate federal agencies, performing research for our outreach and casework teams, drafting letters, and assisting with various projects. Interns will also have the opportunity to attend virtual webinars hosted by various government agencies and work with staff on district-based projects and events. The Lombard office is seeking interns who are able to work in person, either full or part-time.


The summer internship will run from May 27th through July 25th, 2025. Individuals with ties to Illinois’ sixth district are strongly encouraged to apply. 


Thank you,

Caroline Nodus (Washington, D.C. Office) and Toni Smertene (Lombard Office)

One year post-bac/ RAMP employment opportunity at The Morton Arboretum for recent graduates

 Hoban lab project at Morton Arboretum: The Tree Conservation Biology team will be hosting a RAMP participant to advance our knowledge about conservation and restoration of the threatened butternut tree, while developing conservation partnerships with indigenous peoples and state, federal and other partners, and engaging with communities, including through citizen science. Butternut is a native tree dying off due to a disease that has been reducing populations for about 70 years, resulting in current populations that are about 95% reduced from their size a century ago. The main research project will focus on assessing individual tree health, habitat suitability, disease progression, seedling growth, and other aspects of the ecology of this system. We will collect data in the field and use genetic tools, forest health assessments, soil ecology, GIS, and spatial statistics, along with traditional knowledge, to better understand why some trees are healthier than others, why some populations have seedlings while many do not, how quickly the disease progresses, and how to foster adult tree and seedling survival. In addition to collecting and analyzing data to test hypotheses developed in collaboration with the mentree, we will engage in youth education and outreach, working with citizen scientists, and sharing our findings with diverse audiences. Success factors include an interest in a combination of field, lab, desk, and computational work; teamwork and communication skills; experience with or an interest in learning and using computational tools including R and GIS; ability to work outdoors in hot, cold and wet conditions; enthusiasm for conservation, restoration and environmental stewardship; passion for trees and forests. Work will take place primarily in the Chicago region but may include trips to other locations.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Boone County Conservation District Summer Seasonal Job Positions

Natural Areas Seasonal Technician – Non-Exempt 

The Natural Areas Seasonal Technician, under the supervision of the Natural Areas Manager, is a 500-hour part

time position responsible for: 

 Manual and mechanical collection and processing of native seeds harvested on District property. 

Approximately 25% of time is spent on this activity.  

 Assisting with prescribed burns (training provided). Approximately 10% of time is spent on this activity.  

 Cutting and removing non-native trees and shrubs with hand tools, including clearing saws and chainsaws 

(training provided). Approximately 30% of time is spent on this activity.  

 Mixing and applying herbicide for management of invasive plant species within managed natural areas. 

Approximately 25% of time is spent on this activity.  

 Planting native seeds and plants by hand and mechanical means in the field. Approximately 5% of time is 

spent on this activity.  

 Other duties as required, e.g., snow removal. Approximately 5% of time is spent on this activity. 


 $14.00 per hour  


 Must be eighteen years of age or older with a valid driver’s license. 

 Ability to work with a minimum amount of supervision and ability to solve problems. 

 Ability to obtain an Illinois pesticide applicator certification within 30 days of start date. 

 Basic knowledge of native and invasive plant species. 

Physical Functions and Equipment Used 

Ability to: 

 Lift and carry, bend and reach. 

 Go up and down stairs. 

 Lift and carry 50 lbs. 

 Carry 30 lbs on your back. 

 Safely operate hand tools and landscaping tools such as: drills, clearing saws, walk behind mowers, hedge 

trimmers, hand pruners, weed eaters, and shovels. 

 Safely operate multiple types of district vehicles including but not limited to tractors, trailers, skid steers, 

UTVs, trucks, and mowers. 

 Use a computer, smart phone, tablet, copy machine, and other office equipment. 

Working Conditions/Environmental Considerations 

Ability to: 

 Work outside in all types of weather conditions. 

 Work in conditions where there are biting and stinging insects. 

 Work in conditions with possibilities of exposure to minor cuts and burns. 

 Work a flexible schedule that may vary from week to week or even daily. 

 Work weekdays, evenings, and/or weekends.   

 Work with proper personal protective equipment. 

 Work as part of a crew. 

Specific Skills 

 English – Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language, rules of composition and 


 Speaking -- Talk to others to convey information effectively. 

 Reading Comprehension – Understand writing in work related documents. 

 Writing -- Communicate effectively in writing appropriate for the needs of the audience. 

 Active Listening -- Give full attention to what other people are saying and asking questions as appropriate. 

 Ability to contact people by phone, email, and letter.  

 Organize, plan, and prioritize work -- Develop specific plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish 


The above is intended to describe the general content of and requirements for the performance of the job.   

It is not to be construed as an exhaustive statement of duties, responsibilities, or requirements. 

All prospective employees must pass a pre-employment drug test, background check, physical, and driving 

history check.  

The Boone County Conservation District is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to building a 

diverse staff and maintaining an equitable work environment. We encourage applications from women, minority 

groups, veterans, and people with disabilities for whom a reasonable accommodation can be provided. 

Please send application to:       

Frank Rabbit 

Director of Natural Resources 

Boone County Conservation District 

603 N. Appleton Rd.  

Belvidere, IL 61008

Monday, March 3, 2025

Summer Job Opportunity - Natural Habitat Restructuring and Upkeep and Vegetable Gardening

 Summer Job Opportunity

Natural Habitat Restructuring and Upkeep

and Vegetable Gardening

Dates of service: May through mid-August

Location: DeKalb

Type of area: Neighborhood corner lot

Student’s focus of study: Environmental Science

Education Level: Graduate or upper class 

undergraduate student

Skill sets: Light-weight lifting; experience with manual and power garden tools ; native plant 

recognition; experience in planting and maintaining outdoor plants

Expected hours per week: ~10, varying with the growing season, weather, etc. 

Additional time may be required.

Pay: $16/hr.

Job type: private pay; agreement between property owner and individual; not associated 

with NIU credit, internship, etc.


• Buckthorn and other invasives removal

• Preparing, planning, and planting a renovated natural habitat area

• Maintaining the natural habitat by weeding and pruning, as necessary

• Helping design and construct a new raised bed area

• Helping to maintain raised vegetable beds

• Additional work may include helping with the 1200 sq. ft. of garden at Dresser Rd.

Current landscape: a mix of natural habitat, a "lawn" of scrub grass and Creeping Charlie, a 

natural black raspberry patch, an asparagus patch, several raised vegetable beds on one 

side of the property and plans for another mini-garden on another side; three apple trees, 

two pear trees, one peach tree, and one plum tree. A mix of over a dozen varieties of mature 

deciduous and evergreen trees are also dispersed across the property, resulting in an 

uneven mix of shade, partial shade, and nearly full sun.

Apply with Clare Kron at