CEEP Needs
CEEP is looking for Institutional Fellows for Fall 2019.
Student fellows help Register,
and Get Out The
Vote on their college campuses.
They're looking for
currently enrolled students who have a:
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Positive & friendly attitude
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Commitment to voter/civic engagement and grassroots organizing
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Desire to to develop or enhance their leadership skills
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Passion for civic issues
2019 Student benefits:
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Make a positive impact on campus and in your state
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Develop leadership skills via statewide and national trainings
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Mentorship, support, and guidance by state and national staff
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Build a rock-star network of student leaders throughout the U.S.
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$500 Stipend for Contracted Position: August 19 - November 29, 2019
Students can apply on the CEEP website, or
with the QR code below: