Tuesday, May 11, 2021

NIU STEM Cafe May 12, 6PM Fueling the Future

Please join us for our next NIU STEM Café, Fueling the Future with Renewable Energy, May 12, 6PM Online. Professor of Chemistry Tao Xu will explore the art of innovation and discuss the latest research in renewable energy.  His research group is developing materials that convert sunlight to electricity and electrocatalysts that convert carbon dioxide and water into fuel.


Renewable energy technologies can help to mitigate global climate change, and spinoff technologies produced by renewable energy research also profoundly impact our lifestyles. What new fuels and renewable energy technologies are being developed? Why are these technologies important? And how will they impact our daily lives?


Please share the attached flyers with family and friends. Registration is required for this free online event.


Register and learn more at go.niu.edu/fuelfuture.


For more information about either event, contact Judith Dymond at jdymond@niu.edu or 815-753-4751. You can always check for upcoming NIU STEM Café events on our website: https://www.niu.edu/niusteam/programs/stem-cafes.shtml