Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Invitation to a special, free online learning and networking opportunity this month

Professor Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, DPhil (Oxon), MEM (Yale), BCL&LLB (McGill), BA Hons, at Sustainability Curriculum Consortium, would like this message to be passed along to the students in the envs program at NIU: 

We hope that you are well, and have found our recent international law, policy and sustainable development research and events interesting over the past year. This note asks you to help us reach out to young people in any countries interested in human rights, law or the sciences, whose studies have been affected by the global pandemic, and who might benefit from a special, free online learning and networking opportunity.

This past April, with the kind contributions of colleagues from Cambridge, Oxford, Yale, Harvard, McGill and other universities, and the support of the University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor Prof Stephen Toope, the Bennett Institute for Public Policy and the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, together with partners, helped a network of keen secondary school students to host a free online tutorial mini-series connecting students whose studies had been disrupted due to the global pandemic. World-renowned experts joined groups of 20-60 students online for brief, fascinating 60 minute learning sessions on emerging issues in their cutting-edge science and humanities research. The mini-series ran for 8 sessions, twice a week, over the Easter holidays, and was a significant success - helping to inspire and engage bright students.


For three weeks of July summer holidays, we are excited to invite all interested young people in any secondary or early post-secondary studies to join a second online tutorial mini-series. 


Please see the details below of these short free ‘taster’ tutorial sessions which will consider current challenges and future directions in public law, policy and science.  


If you know of any bright, keen young people interested in learning and connecting with world class experts, please pass this opportunity to them, and encourage them to register online today: 


We hope it will prove a unique, inspiring opportunity for many youth whose studies have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, to open doors and learn about emerging fields. 


As places are limited, please do encourage them to register through this link as soon as possible, to receive invitations to the session(s) that might interest them.




These short free ‘taster’ tutorial sessions will consider current challenges and future directions in public law, policy and science, and are led by a mix of well-known and emerging academics and practitioners from Cambridge, Oxford, MIT, Yale and other universities who lead top research institutes or projects. 


Examples of invited speakers include:


Professor Nandini Ramanujam (McGill University) will be presenting during the first tutorial on human rights, focusing on poverty and inequality. She is the Executive Director and Director of Programs at the Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism at McGill University.


Professor Tim Palmer (University of Oxford) on the physics of weather and climate change, a highly regarded scientist who has contributed to many of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports.


Dr. Maya Prabhu (Yale University) on understanding global pandemics, both an international lawyer and a doctor who specializes in law and psychiatry.


Professor Martin Maiden (University of Oxford) on population effects of vaccines and vaccinations. He is a Senior Proctor at the University of Oxford, as well as a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow and Royal College of Pathologists fellow.


Online tutorials will take place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-5 PM BST/1-2PM EST/12-1 ADT over the month of July, starting on July 14th until July 30th 2020. Over Zoom, the expert(s) will provide a 20-minute introduction to critical issues in the area, then keen students can ask questions and discuss interactively for 30 mins, followed by a 10-minute round-up. To follow up, the expert provides their personal recommendations of the top 5 current online resources for any students to pursue the field further.


If you are interested, or know a young person who may be interested, please register for the tutorials online through this link to be added onto an email list for updates:


Please note: Youth participate with permission under supervision of parents/guardians from their homes.