Saturday, March 2, 2019

Post-Landfill Action Network Employment

PLAN is Hiring! 

Although we are sad we won't be doing our typical internship program this summer, we are so excited to announce we are hiring for 3 full time positions
 at the Post-Landfill Action Network!

Full Time Position Logistics:

·         Hours Per Week:  Full-Time 40 hours/week (somewhat flexible) with occasional night-time, weekend, and overnight activities
·         Location: Most of the positions are location flexible (except the SZW Coordinator which must be based in Philadelphia, PA). We have hubs of staff working in Dover NH, Columbia SC, Boulder CO and Philadelphia PA.
·         Compensation: Salaried position starting at $30,000/annually. Available benefits include PTO throughout the year,  a designated electronics stipend, a monthly health insurance stipend, and annual cell phone plan. While travelling for PLAN-related events, employees will receive per-diem, and housing accommodation, while PLAN will be responsible for transportation-related expenses. For more information see our hiring policy.
·         Start Date: July 8th
·         Eligibility: Eligible applicants are recent college or university graduates with a passion for the zero waste movement, grassroots environmental issues, social entrepreneurship, and student leadership for positive social change.
Application Deadline: Sunday, March 24th  (at 11:59 pm)
For more information or to apply, visit: