Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Spring 2014 ENVS Courses

This spring ENVS will be offering ENVS 302, 303 and 305.  In addition to those courses you might be interested in:
-Global Climate History  MW 3:30-4:45  offered with History and taught be Andy Bruno
-Women, Gender, & Environment TTh 2-3:15  offered with WOMS and taught by Diana Swanson
-Measuring Environmental IQ W 3-5:40 taught by Sheldon Turner
-Energy Management System MWF 10-10:50 offered with ISYE and taught by Buyung Agusdinata

These courses can be used to satisfy the ENVS 450 requirement or an elective within the degree.  If you want more information about any of these courses, please contact Melissa Lenczewski ( or the professor.  If you want to register for any of these, please see Ruthann Yeaton in the main ENVS office (HSB 321).