Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weekly Round Up 4.3.12

Weekly Round Up for ENVS Students
This brief newsletter is intended to give the reader a glimpse of campus happenings and opportunities.

Environmental Effects of Forest Fires
                Dr. David Goldblum
ü  Wednesday, April 4th, Wirtz 220, Room TBD

Thinking about Law School
A panel discussion will be held with an array of law schools to broaden your knowledge about the law school process.
ü  Thursday, April 5th, 10-4p, Altgeld 315

ENVS Candidate Talks
ü  Sustainable Engineering and Energy
o   April 10, 1p, Wirtz 104
o   April 12, 1p, Wirtz 104
o   April 16, 1p, Wirtz 104

We are in need of pictures for the ESE Institute brochure.

If you have any environmental-related pictures that can be used in publicity materials, please email the pictures with a quick description to Stephanie Bourgeois at z1568028@students.niu.edu. (If you want photo credit, include your name. High quality photos are preferred but not necessary.)

Any pictures are welcome but we are especially in need of:
*Nature scenery (looking for snow/glacier pictures mostly)
*Technology related pictures (wind mills, solar panels, coal plants, oil refineries, etc...)
*Students working on projects

Earth Appreciation Month
ü  Ocean Frontiers, Thursday, April 5th, 7:30p, Cole Hall Auditorium
ü  River Walk & Talk, Saturday, April 7th, 9a, Montgomery Hall
ü  Complete list of activities found on the ESE website at: http://www.niu.edu/ese/events/earthappreciation_2012.shtml

Frog & Salamander Monitoring
ü  Karen Glennemeier (from the Chicago Audubon Society and the Chicago Wilderness Habitat Project) is seeking volunteers to do some frog /salamander monitoring at the Nachusa Grasslands (per request of site stewards).
ü  Email mburlingame@niu.edu asap if you are interested in volunteering.

ü  DeKalb Citizen’s Environmental Commission
o   Wednesday, April 4th, 4:30p, Annex Conference Room (4th Street)
ü  Green Paws Environmental Alliance
o   Wednesday, April 4th, 6pm, DuSable 456
ü  Committee for the Preservation of Wildlife
o   Wednesday, April 4th, 7pm, Montgomery 442
ü  Environmental Studies Club
o   Monday, April 9th, 7pm, Wirtz 220