Monday, July 30, 2012

Earth 2100 Conference: What's the Plan!?

Young adults gathering to develop their vision and plan for future of Earth

Here is an big opportunity for students in the Washington DC area -- or who can get here.  We feel this could be a mind changing, life changing, and even Earth changing event.

On Saturday Aug. 11 in Arlington, Virginia, a group of young adults is convening an inter-generational "Earth 2100 Conference: What's the Plan!?"  It will be a working conference at which people meet and work in small groups to develop (1) a vision of the Earth young people would like to inherit,  (2) changes young people would like to see made to bring us closer to their vision, and (3) a plan for a larger, more influential conference in 2013.  Summaries of major proposals for change from UN, World Bank, NGOs, etc. are being collected and summarized in advance of the conference. 

Details: August 11, 2012, 10 AM to 4:30 PM.  Location: Auditorium, Central Library, 1015 N Quincy St., Arlington VA 22201, USA.  Cost: Free, including lunch.  (A donation of $30 would be appreciated, but is not required.)  Space is limited, so please register now at

Flyer and news release attached.  Conference will be streamed for remote participation.  Further details at

Please share the information with family and friends, and use the social media at