Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weekly Round Up 3.21.12

Weekly Round Up for ENVS Students
This brief newsletter is intended to give the reader a glimpse of campus happenings and opportunities.
New items added in red

ENVS Candidate Talks
ü  Environmental Anthropology
o   March 21st, 12p, Wirtz 103A

ü  Energy & Environmental Technology
o   March 26th, 1p, Wirtz 104

Events & Opportunities for March
ü  Complete Calendar of Events listed online

ü  Green Paws Environmental Alliance
o   Wednesday, March 21s, 6p, DuSable 456

ü  Committee for the Preservation of Wildlife
o   Wednesday, March 21s, Montgomery 443

ü  Environmental Studies Student Club
o   Monday, March 26th, 7p, Wirtz 220

ü  Taming Training Balance: 2012 Traveling Solo Exhibition
o   Art Student Siew Lian Lim to showcase her MFA Thesis Exhibition
o   March 19-23, with a reception on March 21st from 5:30-9p
o   NIU Gallery, 215 N 4th Street

ü  Earth Appreciation Month
o   Tapped the Film, Thursday, March 22nd, 7:30p, Cole Hall Auditorium
o   Afton Prairie Volunteer, Saturday, March 24th, 8:30a, Rec Center
o   Complete list of activities found on the ESE website at: http://www.niu.edu/ese/events/earthappreciation_2012.shtml

ü  Re-Reuse-A-Palooza
o   March 23rd, The House Café

Looking Ahead
ü  NIU Cares Day
o   April 14th

ü  Tumbling Snow in the Soviet Union: A History of Avalanche Vulnerability in the Khibiny Mountains, 1929-1991 (Dr. Andy Bruno)
o   April 2nd, 3:30p, HSC Heritage Room

ü  Tour Richard Born’s DeKalb Home, complete with solar array to charge Chevy Volt
o   April 22nd, 1:30p

ü  Jack Pizzo to talk about Ecological Restoration
o   April 23rd, 7p, Wirtz 220

ü  2nd Annual Environmental Film Festival
o   April 26th, 3-10p, Egyptian Theatre

Find out more information on Facebook
ü  Now listed on the web at: