Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weekly Round Up 2.22.12

Weekly Round Up for ENVS Students
This brief newsletter is intended to give the reader a glimpse of campus happenings and opportunities.
New items added in red

February Stuff
ü  Green Paws Environmental Alliance
o   Wednesday, February 22nd, 6p, DuSable 456

ü  Committee for the Preservation of Wildlife
o   Wednesday, February 22nd, 7p, Montgomery 442

ü  Campus Brush Clearing Volunteer Opportunity
o   Thursday, February 23rd, Montgomery Wood Lot, 8a-5p
o   3:30p presentation by Jack Pizzo
o   This is your opportunity to get some hands-on time helping to maintain the Montgomery Wood Lot. Jack Pizzo and his crew (Pizzo & Associates) are donating their time and equipment to do some environmental restoration/maintenance work at the Montgomery Wood Lot (just East of Montgomery Hall). They ask that any volunteers bring their own gloves, dress appropriately, and commit to one full hour of labor. His crew will provide the necessary training (for the pulling, lopping and snipping), the ear plugs, and the eye wear. There is no need to sign up ahead of time. Show up with at least one hour of time to spend clearing up some brush.

ü  Environmental Studies Student Club
o   Monday, February 27th, 7p, Wirtz 220

ENVS Candidate Talks
ü  Environmental Anthropology
o   Anna Willow - March 5th, 12p, Wirtz 103A
o   Dana Powell - March 9th, 12p, Wirtz 103A
o   Brian Donahoe - March 19th, 12p, Wirtz 103A

ü  Restoration Ecology
o   Olivia LeDee - February 23rd, 3:30p, MO 443
o   Holly Jones - March 1st, 3:30p, MO 443
o   Tom Raffel - March 6th, 3:30p, MO 443

Events & Opportunities for March
ü  RecycleMania
o   To get involved, email niurecycle2011@gmail.com

ü  Undergraduate Research and Artistry Day (URAD)
o   Registration ends March 9th
o   Event day is April 24th

ü  Illinois Lakes Management Association Conference
o   March 1-3, Holmes Student Center

ü  Earth Appreciation Month Films
o   All movies shown at 7:30pm in the Cole Hall Auditorium
o   March 22nd – World Water Day
o   March 29th
                    Living Downstream
o   April 5th
                    Ocean Frontiers: The Dawn of a New Era in Ocean Stewardship
o   April 12th
                    The Mono Lake Story
                    A River Runs Through Us
o   April 19th
                    Rock the Boat

ü  Re-Reuse-A-Palooza
o   March 23rd, The House Café

ü  Tour Richard Born’s DeKalb Home, complete with solar array to charge Chevy Volt
o   March 25th, 1:30p
o   Rain date: April 22nd

Looking Ahead
ü  NIU Cares Day
o   April 14th

ü  2nd Annual Environmental Film Festival
o   April 26th, 3-10p, Egyptian Theatre

Find out more information on Facebook
ü  Now listed on the web at: