Wednesday, April 1, 2015

DeKalb County Forest Preserve District 2015 Intern Opportunities in Natural Resources Management

2015 Intern Opportunities in Natural Resources Management
DeKalb County Forest Preserve District
DeKalb County Illinois
The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District carries out a broad range of ecological restoration and maintenance activities intended to address our core mission: acquire lands to “preserve, protect and restore the flora, fauna and natural beauties, as near as may be, in their natural state and condition, for the education and recreation of our citizens”.  Interns will assist and gain experience in all the routine activities of ecological restoration as carried out in the DeKalb County Forest Preserves.
It is anticipated that each position will be 4 or 5 days per week, potentially including some weekend work, from mid-May to mid-August.  This schedule may be adjusted, depending on the needs of the Forest Preserve District, the intern’s background and skills, or university requirements.  Be aware that many of the routine activities are often physically demanding.  The position pays $10.00 per hour.
Primary duties and activities:
1.     Invasive species control, including spraying (back-pack or vehicle mounted) or wicking herbicides, weed-eater operation, mowing, and hand-pulling.  Invasive species control is a frequent activity during much of the summer.  Cutting, hauling and burning brush may occur depending on seasonal conditions.
2.     Native plant community restoration and reconstruction, including planting, seeding, watering, weeding, barrier construction and predation control.
3.     Seed collection, and supervising groups of volunteers during seed collection activities.
4.     Assist staff with inventory and assessment activities including plant and animal identification, data collection, mapping and report preparation.
5.     Assist with monitoring and inventory of rare or endangered species.  This may include the use of telemetry and GIS equipment, and frequent wading in steams, marshes or ponds.
6.     Maintain a daily log, including activities and, as directed by the supervisor, plant lists.  The log will be reviewed periodically by the Natural Resources Manager.
7.     Other tasks, as assigned.  Occasionally, interns may be assigned to assist staff with tasks such as mowing, fence removal or construction, grounds maintenance or various other maintenance tasks.  Depending on intern skill sets, they may help guide tours or assist with educational programs.
1.      College student or recent graduate with education or background in biological sciences, forestry, ecology, botany, horticulture, environmental studies, or similar disciplines.
2.     Ability to carry out physically demanding tasks on a routine basis, while tolerating exposure to heat, humidity, insects, poison plants, and allergens.  In other words, working outdoors in native plant communities in Northern Illinois during the summer, all day long.
3.     Obtain an Illinois Pesticide Operator’s License through the Illinois Dept. of Agriculture.  This must be obtained within two weeks of hire, preferably before.
4.     Valid Driver’s license.
5.     Ability to work well with a team, as well as independently without direct supervision.
Preferred skills:
1.     A working knowledge of flora and fauna of northern Illinois or a strong interest in learning them.
2.     Basic digital age skills as applicable to natural resource management, including GIS, GPS mapping techniques, Microsoft Office Suite.
3.      Any experience with mechanized equipment is a plus: riding mowers, brush cutters, weed eaters, chain saws, Bobcat, tractor.
4.     National Wildfire Coordinating Group or Midwest Ecological Prescription Burn Crew Training and a flexible schedule in March and April.
Applicants should submit a resume and contact information for two references by April 17, 2015 to:
                  Terry Hannan, Superintendent
DeKalb County Forest Preserve District
                  200 N. Main Street
                  Sycamore IL 60178
                  (815) 895-7191