Friday, March 6, 2020

Student opportunities with the Conservation District

I would like to make myself available to help your students better understand the learning and employment possibilities offered for college students by the Land Preservation and Natural Resources Division of the Conservation District.  For instance, in addition to the College Burn Crew and volunteer opportunities in Natural Areas Stewardship, we offer both summer-seasonal and 2-year term positons in wildlife ecology, plant ecology, seed collection, and resource management. After recently traveling up to Stevens Point to speak with students in the local chapter of the Society of Ecological Restoration, it occurs to me that one visit is worth a thousand emails.

This interaction might happen as a simple Q & A, or I could present on topics related to my work here with the Conservation District and their interests. I could meet with environmental/conservation/restoration clubs or with college classes.

I have several current and recent research projects focused around ecological restoration, including oak reproduction in restored savanna landscapes; plant phenology as this relates to changes in weather and climate; the resurvey of an oak savanna after 33 years of restoration; using Prairie Betony, a native parasitic plant, to assist in the diversification of tallgrass prairie restorations; and multi-year studies of bed and bank erosion in restored streams. I have been teaching ecology and natural history for over 30 years in the Chicago Area and have spoken/presented on a wide variety of topics, including workshops on glacial geology, soil morphology/soil-plant community relationships, field botany and dendrology, and more.

 Thomas Simpson
Land Preservation and Natural Resources
McHenry County Conservation District
7210 Keystone Rd.
Richmond, IL 60071
cell/text 815-482-3256