Thursday, May 23, 2019

Summer Volunteer Opportunities

Master Naturalist Volunteer Opportunities
This is a list of possible locations to find volunteer and continuing education opportunities in the surrounding areas.  Be sure to check the websites often as they list their specific needs and programs.  This is not a complete list as there are many other avenues for volunteering.

Boone County Conservation District (BCCD) 
603 N. Appleton Rd. Belvidere, IL 61008
Phone: 815-547-7935

Contact for Stewardship: Josh Sage                
Contact for Education: Tina Dawson-Scott  

BCCD- Restoration Tuesdays
The BCCD Natural Resource Management Department is looking for a few more hard working volunteers to join with other hard working volunteers every Tuesday morning to help with habitat resto-ration projects. This is a great learning experience and chance to work with some “unforgettable” people. If you are interested or if you need more information, email Josh Sage at

BCCD- Avid Birders Sought for Surveying
BCCD is in search of avid birders to assist staff in conducting surveys in our conservation areas! You do not have to be an expert; if you have particular interest and knowledge in bird identification, we’d be happy to have you accompany staff in the field for an informal hike through high quality sites and project areas. All findings will help guide habitat management therein. If you are interested, email Josh Sage at

Wild Ones Rock River Valley

Nachusa Grasslands
Conservation and habitat restoration are part of Nachusa Grasslands’ core mission and one of the preserve’s greatest needs.  The work here is ongoing.  Check out their list of opportunities.

Byron Forest Preserve
Contact: Russell Brunner

Prairie Preservation Society of Ogle County

Citizen Scientist
Topics: Calling Frog Survey, Illinois Butterfly Monitoring Network, Illinois Odonate Survey
Contact: Peggy Doty,

DeKalb County Forest Preserve
Contact for Stewardship: Al Roloff      815-751-5529
Contact for Education: Peggy Doty     815-784-2000
The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Land Stewards meet every Wednesday morning at forest preserves to work on a variety of forest, prairie and wetland restoration projects. For more information and to register to help call Al Roloff.

Natural Resource Education Center (NREC) – Russell Woods Forest Preserve, DeKalb County
Contact: Peggy Doty  

DeKalb County Community Garden (DCCG)
DCCG - Five Points Food Forest
The Five Points Food Forest is located at Where Five Points and Old State Roads meet just north of Route 64, north of DeKalb. It is located on a dead end road there off of Five Points before you get to Old State. It is five acres. We are planting perennials such as raspberries, hops, asparagus, fruit and nut trees, etc. We will also be working with the DeKalb Forest Preserve District to establish a small prairie there as well. We also have a volunteer beekeeper there who leads bee-keeping workshops and we have one or two hives going there.
Contact: Marc Amante 779-212-9544 or Dan Kenney  815-793-0950,

DCCG – Walnut Grove Prairie
DCCG has a farm located at 33600 Pearl Street just a 1.4 miles north of Kirkland. It is just about equal distance from Rockford as it is from DeKalb. It is actually very close to Belvidere. It is on Pearl Street which connects Route 72 and Cherry Valley Roads. The farm has two greenhouses, a germination room, packing shed, a one-acre garden, small orchard, and a 10-acre section where we are restoring an Oak Savannah Prairie. On the farm starting April 26, we sell bedding vegetable and flower plants, and then later we will have u-pick vegetables. In regards to the MN we have a volunteer prairie steward who has had years of experience out at Nachusa. He holds regular volunteer workdays every Tuesday from 9am to noon. The volunteers will be helping with getting rid of invasive plants, seeding and planting prairie plant plugs, other prairie and natural habitat restoration work.
Contact: Ron Cress at 815-751-7291

Northwest Illinois Audubon Society

Winnebago Forest Preserve

Severson Dells Nature Center

McHenry County Conservation District

I Think Green (Youth Program)
This program engages youth in investigating how living things interact with each other and with their environment.  This program includes four tracks: 1) worms, 2) butterflies, 3) insects and 4) Nature Detectives – Birds.  BDO Extension staff provide training for this program.  To learn more, contact your county program coordinator.

U of I Extension Contacts:
Peggy Doty –, 815-784-2000
Boone County – Judy Hodge, 815-544-3710
DeKalb County – Jayeeta Chowdhury-Woodstrup, 815-758-8194
Ogle County – Liz Sosa, 815-732-2191